Saturday, April 18, 2009

So the thing about HPV...

So basically pretty much everyone has HPV, right? Men, do not be surprised by this information. You have it too, but no one talks to you about it because there are no symptoms and no way to test. UNLESS you have the kind that causes genital warts.

Oh god, genital warts.

Also, HPV can cause cancer in the deepness of your vag hole.

So the last time I went for a pap smear I was nervous about testing positive (FYI I DID NOT), and starting trying to talk myself down.

"Hey, caitlin, don't worry. Worst case scenario is if you have HPV you can get medication or just go for regular pap smears and be fine!"

"Hey, caitlin, you're right.... Unless, what if an Apocalypse happens? Like, in the hit novel 'The Road'?" (see below picture for what the world will look like after World War III)

"Because if that happens then you won't be able to go for regular check up because most likely all doctors will be dead and all medical facilities destroyed. And then you will die of cancer in the deepness of your vag hole!"

I guess I should also be worried about dying of lack of food.

I have to say this again: I don't have dirty parts warts.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the "Road" characters look cleaner than I imagined they would in the book. Yeah, apparently in the apocalypse food is on everyone's mind.
